Address: 24515 State Route 621 Coshocton, OH 43812
0.5 miles north of Coshocton, Ohio on SR 621 (Coshocton County, Ohio)
In 1971, Walter and Warner Pomerene donated 227 acres of land in Coshocton County to OARDC for forestry research. Forestry scientists in the School of Environment and Natural Resources established an ambitious research program and began their studies at what became the Pomerene Forest Laboratory.
The Pomerene Lab is the site of extensive plantings of conifer and hardwood species of trees on terrain similar to that of southeastern Ohio - the location of much of Ohio's commercial forest industry. Research includes plantings on both upland, well-drained soils and in lowlands where soils are poorly drained.
Plantation-grown Christmas tree production is a major research effort here. Plantings are evaluated on survival, growth and foliage quality. Extensive studies have been carried out to develop cultural practices for high-quality trees, including weed control measures, shearing and shaping, and fertilization.
White pine - the most extensively planted species in the state - Norway and white spruces, and northern red oak are analyzed for selection, breeding, and disease and pest resistance. West Virginia seed sources of balsam fir have the potential to grow where Douglas fir and Frasier fir will not. Knowing which trees grow best in Ohio helps the reforestation efforts of scientists, forestry officials and landowners. In addition to the Pomerene Lab, tree studies are conducted at other CFAES locations plus several state forests.
Contact: Ken Scaife, Director for CFAES Agricultural Operations,, 330-263-3762