Northwest Agricultural Research Station

harvesting in the field

Address: 4240 Range Line Road Custar, OH 43511 
        2.5 miles northeast of Hoytville at the corner of Oil Center and Range Line Roads (Wood County)
Northwest Agricultural Research Station Flyer


The Northwest Agricultural Research Station was established in 1951, when CFAES acquired 247 acres near Hoytville in southwestern Wood County. Part of an ancient lakebed, this region's soils pose production challenges due to their high clay content and extremely flat topography. Ohio State scientists continue to assist area farmers with their unique soil and production issues, helping them boost profitability and environmental stewardship.
Click here for historical data

Research Focus

The Northwest Agricultural Research Station is an integral site for row-crop production research in the Buckeye State. The station's location in Wood County ranks No.2 in Ohio in soybean and wheat production, No.3 in corn production, and No. 4 in wheat production- makes it a logical choice to study the challenges facing producers of these valuable commodities. The Northwest Station serves as a key site for the development of soybean and wheat varieties, with many breeding and screening nurseries located on-site.

Nutrient Management

The efficient use of resources is critical in all aspects of field-crop production. Multiple studies at the Northwest Station focus on effective management of crop fertility inputs. Current projects examine both the input level needed to achieve maximum yield, and the level that allows for maximum economic return. Other research studies are designed to compare various nutrient sources, both organic and inorganic, along with a variety of application timings. The station's location within the Maumee River Watershed allows it to contribute to the water quality work of CFAES to reduce nutrient pollution in the western Lake Erie Basin.

Conservation Tillage

Because of their high clay content, northwest Ohio's soils do not lend themselves to no-till production, a practice widely used elsewhere in the state. Instead, scientists concentrate here on reduced tillage, which has long been utilized in American agriculture and contributes to production efficiency and soil quality. The station has been a pioneer in the study of varying levels of tillage, with long-term plots examining tillage and rotation variables since 1964. These plots have served as a resource for countless scientists in Ohio and around the world studying soil carbon sequestration.

Pest Management

Studies related to both insect and disease management are an important part of the Northwest Station's research program. Flat, high-clay soils drain slowly, providing and optimum breeding ground for soil-borne diseases. As a result, management of these diseases is vital to profitable crop production in northwest Ohio. Researchers continue to examine treatment and management alternatives through resistant varieties, seed treatments, and fungicide applications; they also work to identify new disease strains that develop over time. Research involving insect management continues to evolve to include seed treatments, crops with genetically modified traits, and other control measures.

Involvement With the Agricultural Community

The Northwest Stations' Advisory Committee serves as a forum for discussing current and future research needs for producers in this part of Ohio. The committee is composed of local farmers, agribusiness professionals, and OSU Extension educators. Together they address agricultural concerns and plan future studies.

Field Day Reports

 Wheat Day Handouts

 Field Crops Day Handouts


Contact Information

4240 Range Line Rd
Custer, OH  43511
Phone: 419-257-2060