Jackson Agricultural Research Station


Address: 019 Standpipe Road Jackson, OH 45640
          2 miles southeast of Jackson on SR 93 (Jackson County, Ohio)
Jackson Agricultural Research Station Flyer


The Jackson Agricultural Research Station was established in 1968, when the CFAES signed a 40-year lease for 334 acres belonging to the former Jackson County Home Farm. The size of the station was expanded through the purchase of an additional 158 acres by the state of Ohio. The lease with Jackson County was renewed in 2008.
Click here for historical data

Research Focus

The Jackson Agricultural Research Station has served as a key source for animals used in research designed to increase reproductive efficiency, test groundbreaking cattle production technologies, and develop value-added products from beef cattle. Sheep are an important industry in this region of the state, and in 2014 sheep were added to the station for research and outreach in reproductive, parasite, and grazing management. Additionally, station research in forage management systems has contributed to the grazing approaches used by cattle and sheep producers today.


Effective methods to synchronize estrus (or heat) cycles in cows, including the use of progestin hormones, have been successfully developed at the station. Studies have shown that using artificial insemination together with estrus-control practices can substantially enhance the breeding efficiency of beef cattle, saving producers time and money.

The station's reproductive management studies have helped set estrus-synchronization standards used by industry in Ohio, the United States, and around the world- including the Select Synch, CO-Synch, and Hybrid-Synch programs. The station is also recognized as the key site for research to determine the proper use of CIDR technology for increasing conception rates in beef cattle.


Researchers and personnel at the station work to match feed resources to beef cow milk production, which helps optimize calf nutrition, health, and development, while making beef operations more efficient.

Another area of research is weaning age. Scientists have found that weaning calves at 100 days of age instead of the normal 200 days reduces a cow's need for feed in late summer, when pasture production is lower. Also, removing calves from cows early improves body condition before going into the winter months.

Forage Production

The station conducts forage studies using both small, replicated plots and large pasture acreage. Variety trials are conducted to evaluate yield, quality, persistence, and insect-resistance of alfalfa, red clover, and tall fescue.

Applied research at the station has focused on extending the fall grazing season, reducing dependence on mechanically harvested and stored forage, and lowering winter feed costs. 

Extension, Community, and Sustainability

In addition to research, the Jackson Station engages in outreach activities and works with various community organizations. The station hosts education K-12 programs with the Jackson City Schools in collaboration with Farm Bureau, the Soil and Water Conservation District, and other local agencies. In conjunction with OSU Extension specialists, station personnel organize field days and workshops for producers and other audiences. The role of the station's advisory committee is crucial in this regard, as it contributes to planning and provides a direct contact with local clientele and stakeholders.

With sustainable production being a top priority, the station has made concerted efforts to protect streams that run through its land; the efforts demonstrate effective environmental safeguard techniques. Initiatives include designing and installing approved stream cattle crossings; fencing waterways to limit cattle access, protect riparian areas, reduce stream bank erosion; and establishing and evaluating various tree species along stream corridors and at other strategic locations to provide shade for grazing cattle.

Contact Information

019 Standpipe Road
Jackson, OH  45640