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Kids in the Kitchen
and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to ...
Front Page Welcome Section
non-biased, research-based information to stakeholders to help protect crops, natural resources, structures, ... and human and animal health. We invite you to explore, learn, study and research with us! ...
Grain Bin Storage Preparation
and storage facility. Once storage structures have been thoroughly cleaned, carefully inspect them ...
Forage Management and TMR sampling
Sampling Protocol Total mixed rations (TMR) are commonly used on dairy farms to deliver an ... sampling error. Research done by Dr. Weiss resulted in the following TMR sampling protocol recommendation: ...
Spring into good health!
CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For ...
Summer Food Safety
Sciences Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related educational ...
2016 Ohio Farm Custom Rates
Custom rates are the agreed upon cost paid to someone for doing a piece of farm related ... to access the publication: 2016 Ohio Farm Custom Rates ...
4-H News and Notes: March 29, 2016
April 9th State 4-H Sew Fun Day- April 9th 16th Annual Wooster Spring Spectacular Steer and Heifer Show- ...
Corn Stalks Can Stretch Feed Supplies
of corn (56 lb. per bushel) there is about 45 pounds of residue on a dry matter (DM) basis. Research ... a diet of approximately 6% crude protein and 50 to 55% TDN. University of Nebraska research suggests that ...
Identifying and Managing Feed Shrink
reminders of ways in which feed shrink occurs on the farm and some management options to reduce that loss. ... mixing errors. Concentrate commodities shrink in many ways from the time they arrive at the farm until ... they are eaten by your cows. The cost of shrink on your farm can add up quickly. Typical shrink ...