
Search results

  1. Safe Digging for the Home, Yard and Farm

    Spring and summer seasons seem to spark additional excavation projects for home and landowners. The entire month of April is designated as National Safe Digging Month. The goal of this awareness campaign is to remind project designers and landowners to us ...

  2. Farm Science Review


  3. Protect Your Back as Spring Planting Continues

    farm until an injury has occurred. Often individuals continue working in spite of pain. With an endless ...

  4. 'A Game-Changer': Rapid Infrared Analysis Could Streamline Food Processing Tests

    Rodriguez-Saona also is a scientist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, the research arm ...

  5. Farming and Gardening with Chronic Pain: Strategies for Managing Your Pain

    Laura Akgerman – Disability Services Coordinator for Ohio AgrAbility: Chronic pain is common among farmers and gardeners because of the physical nature of their work. Pushing, pulling, lifting, carrying, and walking can all aggravate existing conditions, ...

  6. About (for homepage banner)

    extension programming and agricultural safety and health research. ...

  7. Ag Safety and Health Video Resources has agricultural safety and health videos available on their website that can be very useful for agricultural producers, agricultural educators, agricultural safety and health professionals, and Cooperative Extension personnel. The videos ca ...

  8. OARDC's Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award recipient Dr. Steven Schwartz


  9. New and Small Farm College

    Are your intrested in learning how to make the most of a few acres? If so, this eight-week course is just for you! Filled with practical knowledge on a variety of topics- you won't be disappointed! February 2- Session 1: "Getting Started" F ...

  10. Farm Bill Meeting

    This event is free and no registration is required. ...
