
Search results

  1. Another Cantaloupe outbreak

    FDA has named an Indiana Cantaloupe Farm in the Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak that has made 178 ... people in 21 states ill.  There have been 62 hospitalizations and 2 reported deaths. Chamberlain Farms in ...

  2. 3-Hr Good Agricultural Practices Training: SUMMIT CO

    the risk of foodborne contamination on produce at the farm level.  These practices are options to ...

  3. Waste not, want not? Examining ways to minimize food losses

    the vindicated fruit still faces challenges on its way from farm to plate. Pests, disease, weather or ... than enough food produced to feed everyone in the United States. But from farm to fork to landfill, an ...

  4. Food Safety Products

    Safety Alliance PennState GAPs UC Davis GAPs Center for Produce Safety On-Farm Food Safety Project ... January-February 2006. Local Harvest: Tool to help find local farmers' markets, organic farms, and local foods ...

  5. Public Meeting Spaces

    finished in nine species of softwoods and the flooring is ceramic title. This facility will have heating ...

  6. GAPS 3-Hour Training: Belmont County

    at the farm level.  These practices are options to REDUCE but can never ELIMINATE all the risks of ...

  7. Weather Links

    Education Breaking News on Climate Issues Weather related stuff for sale State Climatologist Research Papers ... management agencies) National Center for Atmospheric Research  (sponsor National Science Foundation)  ... (federally funded R&D for service, research, education in atmospheric/related sciences) American ...

  8. Farm Science Review

    Farm Science Review  has consistently been at the forefront of showcasing the future of ...

  9. 3-Hr GAPs Training: HOLMES COUNTY

    the risk of foodborne contamination on produce at the farm level.  These practices are options to ...

  10. Biodiversity, Nature, and Natural History Links

    countries; research, info; biodiversity) Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (sound ... preserves for research, nature study, biodiversity conservation; partly supported by state income tax ... biodiversity research,; natural history and conservation of flora and fauna; BioOhio quarterly newsletter) ...
