
Search results

  1. "Whey Go" places at DRI New Product Competition

    2nd Annual Dairy Research Institute New Product competition at the American Dairy Science Association ...

  2. Precision Ag Day- Wauseon, Ohio

    The Northwest Ohio Precision Planter Day will focus on precision planters and feature discussions and demonstrations from equipment, seed, and technology professionals. The day’s topics will include variable rate seeding, precision placement, downforce op ...

  3. FST Faculty Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens

    sanitary practices and the development of processes that kill pathogens. Yousef and his research team ...

  4. Insect Night at Secrest Arboretum- Wooster, Ohio

    Explore insect life after dark! Enjoy insect collecting, bug zoo, maggot art(!), cockroach races and more! Don't forget to bring your flashlight, sneakers and bug jar. ...

  5. Last Chance to Nominate an Alum for the 2017 CFAES Alumni Awards!

    making a significant difference in our college or industry through their support, research, talents or ...

  6. International: iAGRI PhD Student, Rita Mirondo, works to advance food processing in Tanzania

    overall attitude towards her academics and research.   Rita Mirondo, orginially from Dar es Salaam, ...

  7. For some things, Columbus is still the best test market

    headquartered in the area. Proximity helps keep expenses down. You also can find experienced market research ...

  8. Mother's Day Hanging Basket Sale- Wooster, Ohio

    Looking got a great Mother's Day gift? Beautiful hanging baskets from Ohio State ATI's greenhouse and Nursery Management program will be on sale on Thursday, May 10, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Also for sale will be bedding plants, vegetable plants, peren ...

  9. How Do You Make A Healthier Cream Cheese That Doesn't Suck?

    Maleky’s research was recently featured in an article in Popular Science about making a healthier cream ...

  10. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university ... colleagues to foster expanded applied research opportunities. Foster dialogue and innovative thinking among ... and Extension scholarship Poster exhibits featuring innovative programming and cutting‒edge research ...
