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  1. Direct Agricultural Marketing Webinar

    upcoming topics and links to the webinar. Oct. 19 Marketing Milk and Cheese from Your Small Dairy Farm ...

  2. 2015 Farm Science Review

    attendees of this year’s Farm Science Review, September 22-24. Ohio AgrAbility Peer Network- Farmers Sharing ... Universal Design for Garages and Farm Shops- McCormick Building on Friday Ave   Ohio AgrAbility also offers ... the following for Farm Science Review attendees: * A charging station for mobile scooter at the Ohio ...

  3. Soybean Tariffs Expected to Hit Ohio Farmers Hard

    runs CFAES’s farm management program, which provides farm policy and market information to Ohio farmers ...

  4. The Current Webinar 30 Cover Crops for Healthy Soils, Water Quality and Water Availability

    extension, research, and conservation activities. The North Central Region Water Network and Extension ... research and Extension programming in the region. Webinars will run for 60 minutes, with three 10-minute ...

  5. "Agency’s mission is to ‘keep people farming’"

    "Farming is hard work, and even harder should the farmer have a disability. Ronald Cornwell, ... has received a new scooter that will allow him to more easily travel around his farm and work on the ... ...

  6. Hops Pre-Harvest Field Night Set for July 27

    Research Building Auditorium, 1864 Shyville Road in Piketon. Brad Bergefurd, a horticulturist with OSU ... Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. OSU Extension and OARDC are the ... outreach and research arms, respectively, of Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  7. Direct Agricultural Marketing Webinar Oct. 19 Marketing Milk and Cheese from Your Small Dairy Farm ...

  8. Agricultural Fertilizer Certification Trainings Offered before Sept. 30 Deadline

    Department of Agriculture. The training provides research-based tactics to keep nutrients in the field and ... focus on phosphorus.” The certification requirement is in response to concern that nutrients from farm ...

  9. Soil Health and Bioenergy

    Ohio State University Extension is focused on disseminating research information regarding soil ... health and bioenergy. Visit team websites listed below for new research, reliable information, and new ...

  10. Inversion & Drift Mitigation Workshop

    and the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. Wilson will focus on weather conditions that cause ...
