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  1. Ohio Ag Law Blog-- The Ag Law Harvest

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  2. 3-Hr Good Agricultural Practices training: Wayne County

    contamination on produce at the farm level.  These practices are options to REDUCE but can never ELIMINATE all ...

  3. High Tunnel Urban Ag Resources

    Join us for a presentation updating the resources and funding opportunities for Franklin County residents to increase urban agriculture infrastructure and production using high tunnels and irrigation. The event is co-sponsored by USDA Natural Resources Co ...

  4. Ohio Ag Law Blog--Repeal and Replace of WOTUS: Step 1 Complete

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  5. Ohio Ag Law Blog-- The Ag Law Harvest

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  6. Ohio Ag Law Blog-- Qualified Business Income Deduction for Sales to Cooperatives: Proposed IRS Regulations

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  7. Another Cantaloupe outbreak

    FDA has named an Indiana Cantaloupe Farm in the Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak that has made 178 ... people in 21 states ill.  There have been 62 hospitalizations and 2 reported deaths. Chamberlain Farms in ...

  8. Farm Food Safety Plan Writing Workshop

    The FFSP Writing Workshop provides producers with an opportunity to complete an FFSP while receiving support and guidance from OSU Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team educators. While FFSPs are not specifically required by the FSMA Produce Safety Rule, they a ...

  9. Ohio Ag Law Blog-- Tax Planning in an Unusual Year: Prevented Planting Indemnity Payments, Market Facilitation Payments and Cost-Share Payments

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  10. GAPs 3-Hour Training: Washington County

    reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination and includes the following topics: •Food Safety ...
