
Search results

  1. Master Your Memory

    the key to preserving memory, and social ties could help slow brain aging. This research found that ... quality, research-based educational programs focused on building healthy people, healthy finances, and ...

  2. Clovers CODE

    innovative STEM activities, program research, and the impact of 4-H STEM education in Ohio, including ...

  3. 4-H Professionals Volunteer Management In-Service

    Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. We are excited to share the basics of volunteer management, new lesson ...

  4. Extension Today: Tomato Salsa and Street Corn

    research team are working to improve the nutritional quality of food crops, focusing on tomatoes which are ... Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, as well as the Department of Food Science and Technology. Recent research at ... skin cancers. Learn more in this article –  Ohio State Researchers: Eating Tomatoes May Protect Against ...

  5. 62nd annual Farm Science Review draws tens of thousands amid severe drought, showcasing innovations, resilience and farm safety

    the trip to the Molly Caren Agricultural Center this week for the 62nd annual Farm Science Review, ... the worst droughts in recent history. The weather, farm safety and stress, and new products and ... Health Alliance  released results from its Farm Stress Survey, which measured the amount of stress of ...

  6. Tai Chi for Beginners

    THERE'S MORE! Here are some other article links that share some interesting insights and research results. ... research-based educational programs focused on building healthy people, healthy finances, and healthy ...

  7. Current Threats to Ohio Agriculture

    DVM, is an OSU Extension educator who presents updated information on tick research (including new ...

  8. Thank you for the support!

    and Ohio farmers: Farm Credit Mid-America support s  Ohio AgrAbility farmers to AgrAbility National ...

  9. Extension Today: Cupboard Cleanout

    VanBuren Professor of Farm Management in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development ...

  10. Here, There, Ag Careers Are Everywhere

    production farming. There is a rewarding ag career for you! ©2021. Nationally Peer Reviewed! ... 1731823746 ...
