
Search results

  1. Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award

    assigned work location; they must document long term strengths in teaching and research; exhibit ...

  2. Accepting SNAP Benefits at Ohio Farmers Markets

    farmers/farm markets that accepted SNAP benefits. The number increased to 132 in 2020 and there were $446,360 ... in SNAP benefits redeemed at Ohio farmers/farm markets in 2020, a 97.75 percent increase from ... -supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program-snap.pdf U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service ...

  3. Conducting a SWOT Analysis of Your Agricultural Business

    yourself a large corporation, but completing a regular SWOT analysis of your farm or agricultural business ... the internal workings of your farm business. These items are usually within the control of the ... Another example could be the financial position of the business. Does the farm business have too much debt ...

  4. Jacqueline Wilkins, Ph.D.

    practice informs research and discovery informs application. Until recently returning full-time to her ... agencies, philanthropic entities, and for-profit businesses. Her research interests include prevention ... has received more than $12 million in local, state, and federal funding to conduct research and ...

  5. On-Farm Flash Talks: June Organic Farmer Researcher Network Meeting

    organic on-farm experiments. Our speakers will talk about specific trials underway or recent trials that ... Thursday, June 6! Matt Falb,  Constant Springs Farm in Orrville, Ohio – pastured beef and organic row crops ... Van Slack and Betsy Rosser,  Marshall Greens Farm, Muskingum Soil and Water Conservation District ...

  6. Sowon Kim

    Sowon Kim PhD Candidate 317 Ag Admin ...

  7. Joseph Lucente

    County, he is responsible for research, education, and technology transfer of information concerning Lake ...

  8. Whole Farm Planning Model

    especially true for farms and agribusinesses due to their complexity and the inherent uncertainties (i.e., ... weather, commodity prices) associated with agriculture. It is essential that farm managers take time to ... adequately plan for all facets of their business. Farm families are encouraged to adopt a whole farm planning ...

  9. Potassium Uptake and Ohio Crop Response

    period were primarily on-farm trials conducted in 37 counties. Figure 2 shows the classes of soil texture ... Ag Crops and Livestock Food potassium yield fertilizer ohio crop response crops production ...

  10. Ohio Tobacco Farm Custom Rates 2010

    number of Ohio tobacco farmers hire out for machinery operations and other farm related work. This is ... Many farm business owners do not own the necessary equipment for every possible job; instead of ... Farm work that is completed by others is often referred to as "custom farm work" or, more ...
