
Search results

  1. Help 4-H’ers build lifelong skills at Celebration of Youth

    invite you to join us for an evening of fellowship and fun at Leeds Farm to support programs that help ... always remember experiencing all of the campus time and learning about the abundance of ag careers out ... their chosen career at the Celebration of Youth on Sept. 14 at Leeds Farm in Ostrander. Additional ...

  2. 4-H Professionals Honored

    received the Susan Barkman Award for Research and Evaluation and Bruce Zimmer received a Communicator Award ...

  3. Video Camping Curriculum

    Competencies (more details about these and the research to develop these can be found  here). If you have any ...

  4. Herbert Quintero Fonseca

    Herbert will be responsible for developing an Extension and research program for the Ohio aquaculture ... industry. In this capacity, he also will provide support to research and Extension faculty, staff, students, ... research positions at the University of the Virgin Islands, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, ...

  5. OSU Extension Energy Program Tours Long Ridge Energy Generation Facility

    Staff from The Ohio State University visited the Long Ridge Energy Generation Facility in Monroe ... The Long Ridge Energy Generation Facility is "one of the most energy efficient power plants ...

  6. Extension Professionals Complete Risser Farm Financial Management Training.

    Agriculture's website.  #LeanOnYourLandGrant Farm Management ag law Farm Finances Farm Office ... Forty-six Extension professionals participated in the “Risser Farm Financial Management ... certification to be instructors for OSU Extension Small Farm Financial Management Colleges which will help ...

  7. James R. Helt inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    build the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on Ohio State’s Columbus campus. Helt has also ...

  8. National 4-H Hall of Fame Welcomes Jim Helt

    campaign to build the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center at OSU. Helt has also been inducted into ...

  9. YouScience

    decades of rigorous scientific research and cutting-edge matching algorithms to uniquely identify the ...

  10. Cynthia Canan, Ph.D.

    Cynthia Canan, Ph.D. Extension Specialist- STEM Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, Room ... and connections to innovative STEM research, researchers, and events Supports research and evaluation ...
