
Search results

  1. 'A Game-Changer': Rapid Infrared Analysis Could Streamline Food Processing Tests

    Rodriguez-Saona also is a scientist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, the research arm ...

  2. CFAES team leads collaborative effort to improve agricultural technical institutes in Tanzania

    from and is partially supported by the ongoing Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI)- ...

  3. Ohio State Ranks Near Top on Peace Corps' 2014 Top Schools List

    and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus. • Information Session, Wednesday, ...

  4. Generation of porcine transgenic cell line targeting heart-specific gene expression for xenotransplantation

    Principal Investigator: Kichoon Lee, Animal Sciences Collaborator: Rural Development Administration of the Republic of Korea     Description: The primary impact of this project will be the identification of a new set of heart specific genes in pigs and us ...

  5. 2014 OARDC Annual Research Conference

    For more information, please visit  ...

  6. OARDC's Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award recipient Dr. Steven Schwartz


  7. Local Food Farm Tour: Don's Prawns

    Come and enjoy a tour and see and learn first hand from the farmer where and how prawns are produced. Sponsored by OSU Extension and hosted by Don Maloney of Don's Prawns. ...
