
Search results

  1. Focus on Flavor

    These are the types of questions being tackled by the  Flavor Research and Education Center, newly ... Environmental Sciences. The center focuses on research geared to find commercially viable ways of making ...

  2. Computational Biology Faculty in Food and Nutritional Metabolomics

    developing and establishing an independent, collaborative program in food and nutrition related research is ... key. The successful candidate will interface with a collaborative group of researchers focused on: food ... Successful applicants will be expected to develop or maintain an externally funded research program in ...

  3. FST student conducts research in Nicaragua

    project from OSU International Affairs Research Grant for Faculty. The project title is ‘Zoonotic ...

  4. OSU Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo- Winter 2014

    Location: Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center Students looking for internships, full-time ...

  5. Good Agricultural Practices

    their customers that the farm operator has received the training. Deadline for registration is Friday, ...

  6. OSU Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Class

    which help reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination •Attending the OSU GAPs class does not ...

  7. OSU Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Class

    which help reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination •Attending the OSU GAPs class does not ...

  8. Department of Horticulture and Crop Science Welcomes Fulbright Scholar from Uganda

    departmental activities related to agricultural teaching and research. “With Dr. Sabiiti being here as ... joint research. “Dr. Sabiiti plans to develop two undergraduate courses in forage agronomy that he’ll ... 30 years now mostly in the areas of collaborative agricultural research in East Africa. Dr. Sabiiti ...

  9. The Ohio Youth Institute

    high school students have the opportunity to: Present research and recommendations on how to solve key ... research and issues in international development and life sciences Meet innovative researchers, professors ...

  10. Chow Line: Are You Eating Out for Valentine’s Day?

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and its outreach and research arms, OSU Extension and the Ohio ... Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Tracy Turner, 364 W. Lane Ave., ...
