
Search results

  1. Heart Health

    right away. Call 911, or have someone drive you to the doctor or nearest health care facility or ...

  2. OSUE Annual Conference

    and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build ... relationships between Extension professionals and university faculty to foster expanded applied research ... cutting-edge research. Recognition of outstanding work of Extension colleagues and the contribution of ...

  3. Applying Your Strengths at Work Online Workshop

    contribution to your organization. The Gallup organization has found through its research that: People who know ...

  4. Hardin County Homemakers'

    the research based information and the members would share it through a leader-training format. Since ...

  5. Grain Bin Safety News

    (or watched the video) here they are: ARTICLE: ...

  6. Sun Safe Hats Available for Sale

    great for Master Gardeners, field researchers, golf enthusiasts, local farmers, OSU alumni, etc. The ...

  7. DNA and a Supercomputer Partner to Sustain Honey Bees: New Research from Ohio State

    To uncover what plants honey bees rely on, researchers from The Ohio State University are using ...

  8. StrengthsFinder

    Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center, have created a revolutionary program ...

  9. Farm Safety Day Camps

    Farm safety day camps provide youth an opportunity to learn about agricultural hazards and injury ... have to be farm children to benefit from the educational sessions. Injuries from horses, livestock, ... ponds, lawn mowers and electricity can occur to anyone, not just farm kids. Campers learn in a fun, ...

  10. Leadership Institute

    of three sessions.  The first and last sessions are all day workshops presented at our Columbus facility ...
