
Search results

  1. Shrubs for the Landscape/Landscape Design- Wooster, Ohio

    Explore the world of shrubs and how to combine plants to create beautiful and sustainable landscapes. Lunch is included in registration fee. ...

  2. Guided Winter Walk- Wooster, Ohio

    On this late-February walk, enjoy winter scenes of Witchhazel, Lenten Rose, colorful conifers, native grasses and Parrotia. Witchhazels are stealing the show in Secrest! Experience the season’s best flowers and fragrances. Please dress for the weather. ...

  3. Agricultural Outlook Meeting

    rent, land values, the markets, and the Farm Program. Find more information on the specific topics in ...

  4. Guided Bird Walk- Wooster, Ohio

    Members of the Greater Mohican Audubon Society guided birders of all skill levels. Spot birds, learn their calls and discover their habitats in the arboretum. Parking and admission are free. Please dress for the weather. ...

  5. Grafting Workshop- Wooster, Ohio

    This workshop features the what, why, and how of plant grafting and includes hands-on practice. Rootstocks and scions are provided, and participants can take home their grafted plants. Registration: $35 for members of Friends of Secrest Arboretum; $45 for ...

  6. Ohio Occupational Therapy Association Conference

    Sciences: Health and Safety Coordinator. Farming ranks as one of Ohio’s most dangerous occupations, and ... are facing those obstacles on the farm. The program works with a wide array of disabling conditions ...

  7. Fertilizer Application Record Keeping App Now Available

    developed with input from OSU Extension Knox County, Ohio Farm Bureau and Knox County Soil and Water ... enter your farm and field information. Download and open the app on you smartphone or tablet and enter ...

  8. Ohio AgrAbility Program

    contact Program Coordinator Andy Bauer, (614) 247-7618 or Summit County Farm Bureau, 330-456-4889. ...

  9. Ohio State ranks 25th in list of world's most innovative universities

    innovation. The rankings are based on the universities’ published research, as well as on the quantity, impact ...

  10. International publisher honors Rattan Lal

    publishers of scientific, medical and technology information, uses the Atlas awards to showcase research that ...
