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  1. Write Winning Grant Proposals

    Research.   This all-day presentation is the cornerstone of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops ...

  2. Farm Science Review


  3. 'A Game-Changer': Rapid Infrared Analysis Could Streamline Food Processing Tests

    Rodriguez-Saona also is a scientist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, the research arm ...

  4. Save the Date-PI Portal Training in Wooster

    **This session will be held in Fisher North** Navigating the PI Portal Join us to learn tips on how to use the PI Portal system to manage financial aspects of a project, verify remaining balances, reconcile outstanding expenditures, monitor costshare acti ...

  5. Local Flavor 2016- Flying High Urban Farm & Grow

    Join OSU Extension staff and trained Master Gardener Volunteers this summer to learn about growing practices, helpful tips, soils, organics and more. Bring a lawn chair for seating and a notepad. Don’t forget your weeds, disease and insects—we’ll diagnose ...

  6. OARDC's Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award recipient Dr. Steven Schwartz


  7. ePA-005 Overview Wooster

    During this session we will provide an overview of the ePA-005 process along with tips for completing the form.  Faculty and staff who complete the form are encouraged to attend.  Please join us for this informative session! ...

  8. SEEDS: The OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program

    Faculty RFP Overview.  More information here. ...

  9. ePA-005 Overview-Wooster

    During this session we will provide an overview of the ePA-005 process along with tips for completing the form.  Faculty and staff who complete the form are encouraged to attend.  Please join us for this informative session! ...

  10. Budgeting for Grants-Wooster

    During this session we will provide an overview of the expenses most commonly requested in grant applications. We will also discuss critical issues associated with developing budgets including: direct costs, allowable costs, and budget justifications.  Pl ...
