
Search results

  1. Art of Gardening

    Blooms- Lessons from an organic flower farm with Kay Studer and Susan Studer-King, Owners, Buckeye Blooms ...

  2. Latin American Experimental Animation Introduced by Lina Aguirre & Cecilia Traslaviña (2008-13)

    Studies, and Latino and Latin American Space for Enrichment and Research (LASER). ...

  3. Ohio State Awarded Three Grants to Support International Collaboration on Global Issues

    and the United Kingdom to foster multilateral research collaborations with higher education ...

  4. Lee Elected Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science

    recognition is bestowed upon leading researchers by their peers for scientifically or socially distinguished ... scientists elected this year “demonstrate the wide reach of Ohio State research. They exemplify the ...

  5. Students

    African American Male- The Center focuses on conducting research on African American males contributing to ...

  6. Dale A. Seiberling Receives Ohio State Alumni Award

    with a pilot-scale CIP system to be used for future research. “Seiberling’s passion and impact, ... Seiberling Graduate Research Assistantship Award in Food Engineering to support the Seiberling ...

  7. Farm Forum no later than noon on Dec. 1. Make checks payable to Greene Co. Farm Forum. ...

  8. ACEL Graduate Students Attend National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Annual Conference

    development professionals through professional development, networking, and research.  More than 1,600 ... Research Associate and ACEL MS student Dustin Homan presented two posters: the first titled “AND MY WORLD: ...

  9. FST Faculty Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens

    sanitary practices and the development of processes that kill pathogens. Yousef and his research team ...

  10. Due: Greene County Ag. Society Scholarships

