
Search results

  1. Fisher Rate Policy Guidelines

    facility in supporting the mission of the OSU Wooster campus. All funds recovered from charges for the use ... used to support any programmatic use of the facility.   In order to maximize cost recovery, the ... detrimental to the image of, or counter to the mission of, the OSU Wooster campus)  2. Groups that are outside ...

  2. Policies & Procedures

    Access to Campus Facilities: Access to university facilities by keys is governed by the university ... access system. Code Enforcement: The Facilities Services / Renovations Planning department adheres to the ... maintained and inspected by an outside contactor under the direction of Facilities Services. If you ...

  3. Ag Day in Delphos, Ohio

    Ohio AgrAbility will be talking with elementary school students from Delphos Schools at an Ag Day ... hosted by Harrold Hideabaugh Farm. Rain date is May 16th. 2013 ...

  4. Wooster Personnel

    Research Services Building 1680 Madison Avenue Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-263-3771 Susan ... Research Operations Contacts Ken Scaife Assistant to the Director, Field Operations OSU- OARDC 228 ...

  5. Small Grains Field Day

    OARDC Schaffter Farm, 3240 Oil City Rd., Wooster OH 44691 Rory Lewandowski,  ...

  6. Caregiver

    parents, as well as those who work for long-term care facilities. “Caregiving can be very meaningful work. ...

  7. Universal Design on the Farm

    farmstead including the garage, farm shop, equipment shed, livestock facilities, and feed lots. In the ... mobility limitations. During on-farm consultations with AgrAbility program staff, designs are incorporated ... to the specific case studies that matches the individual and the type of farm operation. Universal ...

  8. Replacing Grain Bin Ladders with Stairs

    modifications to equipment, facilities or worksites to allow the farmer to continue farming. Another mission of ... farming, but now he has stairs on his grain bins (instead of ladders). Other modifications he has added ... 80-year-old father, who also climbs the stairs on the grain bin. This farm has fewer concerns about climbing ...

  9. Western Ohio Precision Ag Day

    Western Ohio Precision Ag Day will be held on July 12, 2016 in Covington, Ohio hosted by Miami and ... OH 45318 and will then be continued on a local farm. This year’s theme will be Precision Placement ... will be free but registration is required by July 8 for an accurate lunch count. Precision Ag Day Flyer ...

  10. Public Safety- Wooster Campus

    What We Do The Ohio State University Police at Wooster is responsible for law enforcement and ... Hall, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) and all outlying operations for ATI and ... OARDC. The Wooster campus, located approximately 100 miles from Columbus, covers over 4000 acres in a 35 ...
