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NIFA project team meetings-USDA
200 (Wooster) USDA meeting with NIFA, Hongyoung Jeon LJ Tuesday, August 13, 2024- 8:00am to ...
Understanding Alzheimer's & Dementia
Alzheimer’s and dementia, stages of the disease, risk factors, research, and treatments relating to these ...
Valued partnership reaps research rewards
New research reveals economic and social impacts of caregivers in North central and Northeast US
Tracy Turner COLUMBUS, Ohio – Groundbreaking research conducted by a multi-state team, including ... Northeast regions of the U.S. The preliminary findings, released as two regionally focused “Research ... caregiving across the life course, including children, adults, and elderly,” said Inwood, who researches ...
FABENG 7220 College Teaching in Engineering
200 (Wooster) FABENG 7220 College Teaching in Engineering, Dr. Ann Christy 5:20-7:10 PM Repeats ...
FABENG 7890 Seminar
200 (Wooster) FABENG 7890 seminar AgEngr bldg 219 Repeats every week every Tuesday 16 times. ...
Supporting Ohioans of all ages: CFAES at the Ohio State Fair
life.” Extension Faculty and Staff Research Media Advisory 4-H Tracy Turner ...
IT upgrade
200 (Wooster) John Callender IT Asset Management Specialist LJ Wednesday, July 31, 2024- 8:00am to ...
Ohio Organics Council meeting
Room 100 (Wooster) requested by Mary Wicks LJ Wednesday, July 31, 2024- 9:00am to 10:30am ...
Khanal to lead agricultural technology research and training program in Nepal
initiative to collaborate with the Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) to explore and promote ... begin discussing the research gap in agricultural technology in South Asia. During discussions with ... management. In collaboration with other research groups at OSU, her team collects these data from farmers’ ...