
Search results

  1. Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center

    670 Vernon L. Tharp Street Columbus, Ohio 43210 Map to OPGC The Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center 's (OPGC) main building consists of approximately 8000 sq ft of workspace. This includes space for seed germination, testing, x-ray analysis of seeds, s ...

  2. Honoring Alumni

    industry awards for his work on peanut diseases.  For his many accomplishments in research and teaching, ...

  3. New Grad Student Orientation, Wooster


  4. 2007

    temporal patterns of morel fruiting. Mycological Research 111:339-346.   Morgan, W., and Kamoun, S. 2007.  ...   Palumbo, R., Hong, W., Hu, J., Craig, R., Locke, J., Krause, C., Tay, D., and Wang, G. 2007. ... Zumpetta, C., Osborne, A., Dick, W. A., and McSpadden Gardener, B. B. 2007. Complex effects of farm ...

  5. Academic Mission

    training to enable students to become independent researchers capable of developing original and innovative ...

  6. 2012

    Nucleic Acid Research. 40 (21): 10780-10794 Stewart, LR, Bouchard, R, Redinbaugh MG and Meulia T.  ... mosaic virus"  Virus Research  (2012)  165: 219- 224. Tatineni, Satanarayana; Qu, Feng; Li, Ruhui; ... silencing and an enhancer of disease symptoms. Virus Research  163(2): 672-677. Xiuchun Zhang, Xiaofeng ...

  7. 2008

    Benitez, M., Kleinhenz, M. D., Miller, S. A., and McSpadden Gardener, B. B. 2008. Effects of farm organic ... co-introduction of a suppressor of silencing. Transgenic Research 17:1143-1154.   Craven, K., Valez, E., Hicks, ...

  8. Welcome Cookout for New Transfer & Transition Students, Ag Administr Auditorium


  9. Manual for Software Pipeline

    in our research) we have found that isotopes are not always abundant enough to be recognized by ...

  10. Discovery Day Plant Sale, OARDC Wooster

