
Search results

  1. New Assistant Professor of Parks, Protected Areas, and Natural Resources Management

    articles in support of her research efforts. Dietsch is also engaged in research on human thought about ...

  2. David Tomashefski's Defense Seminar

    properties. This research project attempts to quantify soil erodibility by measuring several related ...

  3. Honors Research Proposal Presentations

    Click here to view presenters and research topics. ...

  4. Food Security Conference

    Systems. Its goal is to concretely position food security as a priority in food system research and ...

  5. ASABE-UCD Administrators

    transatlantic links in Biosystems Engineering, addressing research, education and innovation. The meeting will ... provide ASABE delegates with an insight into ongoing research, innovation and educational programmes at ... Research Areas and Opportunities for Collaboration Ms. Triona McCormack (University College Dublin) Dr. ...

  6. Yield Forecasts for Corn

    Wooster, considered in this simulation are shown in Table 2. Acknowledgements: The data presented here is ...

  7. A Special Seminar on Aquaculture

    company producing yeast and yeast products where he is responsible for aquaculture research and ...

  8. Minimizing pollen contamination of non-GMO Corn

    99%. Other research has indicated that cross-pollination between corn fields could be limited to 1% or ... Minnesota SW Research and Outreach Center. online at  http ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-05

    'flea beetle index' for 2008. The locations and the corresponding indexes were: Wooster (OARDC), ... 79.6; Ashtabula, 79.8; Hoytville (Northwest Research Station), 80.0; South Charleston (Western Research ... performing tissue and soil analysis will aid in determining the need for sulfur. In replicated research done ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-33

    program.  In our research, glyphosate has really been a more effective fall-applied herbicide than dicamba, ... occurs?  Our research results, along with the comments we get from dealers and growers about this, have led ... a result of this research. Resistant variety programs were initiated in our region in the 1940s. New ...
