
Search results

  1. 3-Hr Good Agricultural Practices Training: SUMMIT CO

    the risk of foodborne contamination on produce at the farm level.  These practices are options to ...

  2. Land As Your Legacy

    land and farm they cherish. ...

  3. Food Safety Products

    Safety Alliance PennState GAPs UC Davis GAPs Center for Produce Safety On-Farm Food Safety Project ... January-February 2006. Local Harvest: Tool to help find local farmers' markets, organic farms, and local foods ...

  4. Revitalization Politics in the Postindustrial City

    related research to discuss urban revitalization. For more information, and to RSVP online,  go here.  ...

  5. GAPS 3-Hour Training: Belmont County

    at the farm level.  These practices are options to REDUCE but can never ELIMINATE all the risks of ...

  6. 3-Hr GAPs Training: HOLMES COUNTY

    the risk of foodborne contamination on produce at the farm level.  These practices are options to ...

  7. National Urban Extension Leaders Meeting

    Professionals: Policy, Politics, and Positioning 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. on campus, Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau ... 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, Eastman Room (1st floor) 2201 Fred ... NUEL Bi-Annual Meeting, on campus, Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center Networking event and ...

  8. Entrepreneurial Innovation Introductory Guide

    audiences; research and digital scholarship; and our rich historical approach of participatory innovation as ...

  9. GAPS 3-Hour Training: Lucas County

    reduce the risk of foodborne contamination on produce at the farm level.  These practices are options to ...

  10. Enchancing Agriculture and the Environment

    cities. Stanard Farm in Cleveland, OH Stanard Farm is an urban farm developed on the site of the former ... Stanard Elementary School at E.53rd and Stanard Street. The farm was created in collaboration with the OSU ... spend the majority of their time side by side with participants, working at Stanard Farm. Planting will ...
