
Search results

  1. Farm Science Review: ‘I Love the Atmosphere Here’


  2. Chow Line: Paleo diet has pros and cons

    State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to ...

  3. Dr. Hanping Wang was an invited speaker on aqua genomics/genetics/breeding at National Strategic Planning Workshop

    2016 in Auburn, Alabama. The workshop brought researchers, government officials and industry leaders ...

  4. CD Wire- April 2, 2013

    include: Building Capacity Webinar: Supporting the Change Journey- April 2 at 11:00 a.m. Why the 2013 Farm ... Energize Ohio Signature Program Train-the-Trainer Workshop on April 15 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm ... Energize Ohio Signature Program addresses the opportunities and challenges through research ...

  5. CD Weekly Wire- February 24, 2014

    e-Learning modules Create e-Learning modules (10% increase annually) Align applied research with Discovery ... ***************************************************************************** PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: IRB Workshop- February 27: Investigators, student researchers and staff ... February 27, in 117 Research Administration Building. Office of Responsible Research Practices staff will ...

  6. Soybean Productivity

    suited to grass? We are researching management systems that include no-tillage, multi-purpose cover crops ... four sites will be done in early 2017. Primary researchers are:  Tara VanToai, Project Leader (recently ...

  7. OSU Extension Offers Guidance for Reseeding Pasture in Pipeline Rights-of-Way

    their farms and their production that is on the line.” The issue is that pipelines go in when the ...

  8. Chow Line: Fight against flu bug with healthy diet

    a service of Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send ...

  9. What is the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center

    The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center is the research arm of Ohio State's ...

  10. 2015 Spring Banquet and 100-Year Anniversary Celebration

    Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Across from the Schottenstein Center) 2201 Fred Taylor Dr. Columbus, OH ...
