
Search results

  1. Upgrading and Maintaining Farm Lighting

    Good lighting is important for farm security, for being able to adequately do indoor chores, for ... certain aspects of livestock performance, and even for employee and operator morale.  Farm lighting may ...   I recently came across a good article on the eXtension web site entitled “Farm Lighting Energy Efficiency ...

  2. Corn Stalks Provide Another Grazing Option

    research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, ...

  3. Livestock Judging and Meats Judging Teams Now Forming

    at Certified Angus Beef in Wooster and participate in contests around the state.  Here are some ...

  4. On-farm Solar Energy Program Offered

    Learn how on-farm solar energy development could help lower costs.  Coshocton County Extension is ... metering policy as well as on-farm solar applications and assessments. There will be a panel of local ...

  5. Sheep Shearing School

    A statewide sheep shearing school will be held September 15-16 at the Dave Cable farm located at ...

  6. Grain Marketing Webinars

    Participants will learn to identify their personal risk tolerance and their farm’s financial risk capacity. ...

  7. Grain Marketing Webinar

    Participants will learn to identify their personal risk tolerance and their farm’s financial risk capacity. ...

  8. Grain Marketing Webinars

    Participants will learn to identify their personal risk tolerance and their farm’s financial risk capacity. ...

  9. Upcoming Workshops

    marketing). The keynote speaker will be Rose Hartschuh – farm wife, mother, Agvocate, and recent winner of the ... American Farm Bureau Excellence in Agriculture Award. Registered participants, community organizations or ... Ohio Small Farm Conference ( on Saturday, April 7. Deadline for registration ...

  10. The Link: Wayne County 4-H Newsletter- May 2015

    returning volunteers receive the monthly "Link," as well as committee members and Ag Education ...
