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  1. CFAES Technologies In Focus at Next Startup Snapshot Nov. 12

    Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Steven A. Slack, OARDC Director and Pat Morand, president of ...

  2. Agricultural Outlook Meeting

    rent, land values, the markets, and the Farm Program. Find more information on the specific topics in ...

  3. Dr. McPheron's Role as University Provost Made Permanent

    Arkansas in January. “Bruce is a nationally recognized researcher, teacher and leader whose commitment to ... influence and impact in multidisciplinary research, cutting-edge teaching and learning initiatives, and ... researcher, teacher and leader whose commitment to academic excellence and community engagement runs deep. He ...

  4. Fertilizer Application Record Keeping App Now Available

    developed with input from OSU Extension Knox County, Ohio Farm Bureau and Knox County Soil and Water ... enter your farm and field information. Download and open the app on you smartphone or tablet and enter ...

  5. ATI awarded U.S. Department of Education grant

    research-proven strategies to help increase the persistence and academic performance of students participating in ... Supported by Moderate Evidence of Effectiveness: Research recommended by the Department of Education as ... Individual Counseling Activities Based on Moderate Evidence of Effectiveness: Research recommended by the ...

  6. Cornish named NAI Fellow

    Cornish, who holds the Endowed Chair in Bio-based Emergent Materials and is an Ohio Research Scholar, was ... one of two inductees — along with Vice President for Research Caroline Whitacre — from Ohio State in ...

  7. CFAES Thanks its Donors

    helps fund scholarships, research and outreach. You're invited to view this short video that shows ...

  8. Best Boss Ever

    self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”- Theodore Roosevelt Research indicates ...

  9. Applying Your Strengths at Work Online Workshop

    contribution to your organization. The Gallup organization has found through its research that: People who know ...

  10. Celebrating the Campaign

    teaching, research and outreach. In 2014, the estates of Geraldine and Arthur Winfough Jr. committed a $2.8 ... scholarship, research and community outreach. Also, you can still participate in the campaign with a donation. ...
