
Search results

  1. Ohio State Equine Center

    location for all equine-related teaching, research, and Extension activities. The facility features ... Equine Facility located in Apple Creek, OH, just a few miles east of the Wooster Campus. The Ohio State ... Wooster Equine Facility offers a 46-stall barn, fully equiped breeding laboratory, along with both an ...


    information comes from the Ohio State ATI, Wooster sheep farm. He also helped take alfalfa forage samples for ... excelling in his studies and internships to better serve his family, their dairy farm, and his community. ... conference in Dallas, Texas. During Grant’s dairy farms internship, he served as an equipment shop assistant ...


    at Ohio State ATI in Wooster, Ohio, where he completed his associate degree in agricultural systems ... the Wooster/ATI and Columbus campus and compound it with knowledge gained through internships and ... outside work.” He grew up on a small farm in Southeastern Ohio and had experience with cattle and ...

  4. Macdonald Wick

    Meat Animal Research. Food Technol Biotechnol. 50:261-269. Zapata, I., Reddish, J. M., Miller, M. A., ... architecture to meat tenderness Rec. Res. Adv. Food Ag. Chem. 3:515-533. Ramirez, J. A., Bandman, E., Wick, M., ... graduate Molecular Biology Techniques courses. Dr. Wick has published research on muscle growth and ...

  5. Webinars and handouts

    Farming with a disability Handouts Assistive Technology to keep you farming handout F arming and ... gardening handout Farm equipment handout 2022 Videos Assistive Technology to Keep you Farming  (links to ... YouTube video) Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Helping farmers with disabilities continue farming (links to ...


    through her scholarship, research, service, and leadership,” according to her nominator. She also took her ... interest in human-animal interactions to new levels of prize-winning research. As the president of the ... Back-to-School Bash. Hannah completed two internships, one in the Ohio State Equine Facility and the other at the ...

  7. NIFA Invests $1.29M in Animal Nutrition and Growth Reseach at Ohio State

    Research Initiative (AFRI), with $1.29M allocated towards research within the Department of Animal Sciences ...

  8. Dr. Benjamin Enger recognized with West Agro Inc. Award

    Beach, Florida. The West Agro Inc. Award was created to recognize outstanding research of milk quality as ... must have made meritorious scientific or technical contributions in research of one or more of the ... of Idaho, MS from Washington State University, and PhD from Virginia Tech. His research program ...

  9. Expanding Your Vision Through On-Farm Research: July Organic Farmer Researcher Network Meeting

    dairy using rotational grazing. Among several on-farm research endeavors, Jordan has helped trial two ... research partnerships have helped his farm. Connection Details Farmers, educators, researchers, and other ... Jordan Settlage operates Settlage & Settlage Farms in St. Mary's, Ohio, with his father ...

  10. Dr. Kirby Krogstad receives ADSA Midwest Scholar Award

    research accomplishments of recent PhD graduates or current PhD students from the ADSA Midwest Branch in ... health. His research focused on the effect of supplementing rumen-protected niacin to lactating dairy ...
