
Search results

  1. Pigs Gone Wild Have Come to Ohio

    feral swine originated two ways. They escaped from farms or hunting preserves. Or people released them ...

  2. 2014

    or insertions. Virus Research 179: 247-250 Baysal-Gurel, F, Subedi, N, Mamiro, D, and Miller, SA. ...

  3. Clark's Graduate Defense Seminar

    characteristics of MTB and their small magnets have gained growing interest in a diverse set of research fields ...

  4. Rattan Lal: For sustainability scientist, Ohio State 'is a paradise'

    a researcher'. Read more on the CFAES On Sustainability Blog. ...

  5. Graduate Exit Seminar

    sentiment and four types of local social ties. The findings from this research can be used to understand the ... research and policy were developed based on the findings.    ...

  6. TWEL Lionel Leston Thesis

    an excellent model species for addressing this question. Although previous research shows that ... increases in fruiting exotic shrubs, bird feeders, or winter temperature, some research suggests that ... of my research was first to determine if and why Northern Cardinals are more abundant in urban ...

  7. Pioneering Use of Statistical Tests Paves the Way for Applications in Disease Management

    researchers for choosing the appropriate statistical tests when comparing treatments or other factors. ... best be done with nonparametric methods. Recent theoretical research has extended nonparametric ... evaluated for the new nonparametric methods for plant disease management applications. CFAES researcher ...

  8. Alexander Heeren's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    prevalent in the natural resource and environmental fields.  Often, managers and researchers assume that if ...

  9. Emissions from Energy: Environment, Health, and Legislation- a presentation and round-table brown-bag discussion

    Chalmers University and IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd., Gothenberg, Sweden   Jeffrey M. ...

  10. Emerald Ash Borer

    understand how they resist attack. OARDC researchers have identified biochemical and molecular differences in ... EAB-resistant Manchurian ash compared to susceptible North American ash species. OARDC researchers, in ... American ash. Impact Researchers have made great strides in characterizing the potential mechanisms of EAB ...
