
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-26

    silage harvest Dry matter content of whole plant corn varies with maturity.  Research has demonstrated ... District will host a field day at the farm of Howard and Lois Weller on Thursday, August 19 starting at ... farm fields. They are also being used to prevent summer rainfall from being lost into ditches and ...

  2. TWEL Jason Tucker Thesis

    restoration) to determine the minimum viable population of cranes in Ohio.  More research is also necessary to ...

  3. TWEL Melissa Santiago Thesis

    research is needed to assess the potential for pesticide exposure, differences in productivity between ...

  4. TWEL Stephanie Hauver Thesis

    social behavior remain enigmatic. Recent research, however, suggests that raccoons possess a more complex ...

  5. TWEL Jared Duquette Thesis

    geographic range of this mesocarnivore. Virtually no research has addressed the ecology of the badger east of ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-28

    (10 spores per 2.5 acres). To put this in a better perspective, when researchers inoculate in the ... infestation of ryegrass prior to planting no-till corn. University of Kentucky research shows that sequential ... ryegrass. While most ryegrass seeds germinate soon after exposure to a favorable environment, research has ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-20

    hitting the ag market, and the question always comes up – how efficiently does a plant take up foliar ... dependent upon environmental conditions. Some researchers report nutrient uptake as high as 90% for foliar ...

  8. Farm Science Review Nutrient Management Field Day


  9. Residual Herbicide Issues – were they applied, are they working, what to do

    assume that it is always possible to use an adjuvant once corn has emerged.- Based on our research with ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-36

    We have somewhat limited research on the control of wild radish and wild turnip, but results so far ... at the correct pressure for the load. Many farm tires are over-inflated which reduces the tire ...
