
Search results

  1. Publications of Mazeika Sullivan

    Research. Sullivan, S.M.P., Boaz, L.E., and K. Hossler. 2016. Fluvial geomorphology and ... aquatic-to-terrestrial Hg export are weakly coupled in small urban streams of Columbus, Ohio. Water Resources Research ... riparian ants. River Research and Applications 32:1721-1729. Čivas, L, Kesminas, V. and S.M.P. Sullivan. ...

  2. Are You Prepared for the VFD?

    prepared for the steps that will need to be taken if a VFD drug will be needed on your farm or livestock ... you, your livestock/animals, and your farm operation.  This veterinarian is referred to as ...

  3. Corn Silage Harvest Timing

    Guide for Timing Silage Harvest Dry matter content of whole plant corn varies with maturity.  Research ... without burning the leaf tissue. From our work, on-farm measurement of DM is probably only accurate to +/- ...

  4. Forests Across U.S. Face Drought Threat: Study

    to a national assessment of peer-reviewed scientific research on the impacts of drought on U.S. ... Research ...

  5. Rewriting Ohio's Phosphorus Risk Index

    Libby Dayton, SENR Research Scientist, is working to give farmers the tools they need to make ...

  6. Faculty Contribute to Vulnerability Assessment

    underway. Read more about the Assessment on the U.S. Forest Service Northern Research Station's  ...

  7. The Esophageal Feeder

    colostrum because recent research has proven a full dose administered all at once is much better than two ...

  8. John F. Obrycki's Graduate Defense Seminar

    support for widespread contaminant cleanup. Interdisciplinary research initiatives are needed to evaluate ...

  9. Student Farm: What is a CSA


  10. Student Farm: What We Grow

