
Search results

  1. Assessing the risk of frost injury to late maturing corn

    the corn crop. Dr. Bob Nielsen at Purdue University has summarized research findings from Indiana and ... black layer, R6). This research was conducted at two locations in Indiana (west central and southeast) ... likely to accumulate the GDDs required to achieve physiological maturity. The research results in Table ...

  2. A Super Time for Super Berries

    a few of them this year.  Our research team members have propagated a few elderberry plants.  We also ...

  3. Honors Research Proposal Presentations

    is invited to hear these Honors students present their research proposals. 4:15pm Paige E. Hagley ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-21

    losses of nitrogen through denitrification and leaching. Past research at Iowa State University evaluated ... Last year, research led by Dr. Aaron Gassman at Iowa State University documented the presence of ... documented in the western corn belt.  Most importantly, Dr. Gassman’s research shown a strong correlation ...

  5. Manure Sidedress of Corn Research Plots from 2011-2015

    Dairy and swine manure sidedress plot research has shown livestock manure to be an excellent ...

  6. Write Winning Grant Proposals

    Research.   This all-day presentation is the cornerstone of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-10

    “reachback” activity is notoriously inconsistent, at least in our research. Weeds have to be very small, the ... planting to ensure control. We would suggest the latter approach, for several reasons. 1. Our research ... research has shown that 50 to 80% of the total population of giant and common ragweed that will occur in ...

  8. Fire and Mechanical Treatments for Kirtland’s Warbler Habitat Management in Northern Lower Michigan

    forest research that pertained to real management practices, while also linking with knowledge gained in ...

  9. TWEL Ceciia Hennessy Thesis

    studied by observation, and the results have lead researchers to conclude that mated pairs are monogamous. ...  Also, observational studies of coyote packs have led researchers to conclude that packs consist of close ...

  10. TWEL Aaron Boone Thesis

    wintering grounds. Recent research on Nearctic-Neotropical migratory songbirds has emphasized the importance ... interactions and migratory connectivity in migratory songbirds, but little research has addressed interactions ...
