
Search results

  1. Marestail Control in Wheat and Some Other Weed Stuff

    to wheat in fall. Spring POST. In our research, spring herbicide plus the competition from an ...

  2. The Process of Harvesting Miscanthus in Northeast Ohio

    facilities, it is placed in silage bags for storage.  The bags are left on the perimeter of the field until it ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-33

    least, try to avoid creating ruts. If you have different soil types on the farm, start harvest on the ... pressure because key research in this area was done by Bob Holmes and Randall Reeder at OSU. Their research ... herbicides can be applied and still be effective.  In our research, herbicides seem to be effective for ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-26

    Unfortunately these were not my research plots. Fields that had flood damage earlier are now showing the ... development. Our research shows that yield losses tend to be greatest when foliar diseases reach high levels ... August 13th at the Fayette County Demonstration Farm on State Route 38. The day will begin at 9:30 AM. ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-32

    Treatments and Burndown vs Early POST in Wheat Tornado Hits OARDC Campus in Wooster- We are OK Nutrient ...   Plant Pathology Greenhouses Tornado Hits OARDC Campus in Wooster- We are OK An EF2 tornado hit ... links to articles and reports about the tornado.  Dr. Moser’s talk at Farm Science Review is especially ...

  6. Communiqué August 1, 2012

    in Agricultural Communities. PI(s): Dee Jepsen, assistant professor, leader: Ag Safety and Health ... childhood obesity prevention. PI(s): Carolyn Gunther, director of research, human nutrition, College of ... a fully-electronic protocol submission system for human subjects research.  Using IRB Submit, you will be able to ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-22

    grain filling and promote greater dry matter accumulation and grain yields. Past research at the ...    Remember, egg masses are first white, then tan, and then turn a deep purple color immediately ... at Again, if you find what you think are western ...

  8. Student Farm: What is a CSA


  9. Student Farm: What We Grow


  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-06

    conditions are appropriate for equipment traffic. Research data shows timing is not critical for yield as ... facilities. The results of this evaluation suggest that many of the hybrids entered in the Ohio Corn ... Research has shown that up to 400 pounds of pull is required to extract a body from waist-deep grain. That ...
