
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-10

    ALS-inhibiting herbicides also. Our research shows that control of resistant populations in soybeans can be ... dandelion control in OSU/Purdue research); Basis or Resolve plus atrazine; glyphosate plus an atrazine ... possible treatment along these lines – Gramoxone + 2,4-D ester + Canopy DF + metribuzin. Our research ...

  2. Harvest Delays Impact Corn Performance

    this research.   KEY FINDINGS * Results showed that nearly 90% of the yield loss associated with ...

  3. Adjusting No-till Burndown Programs for Later Planting

    early to mid May.   In our research plots, we appear to have as good a winter annual population as we ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-01

    variety testing, visit:   Conservation Tillage Conference Registration ... Center, Paulding, OH Farm Programs, crop insurance, weed control, wheat disease and fertility.   January ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-07

    get a leg up on the problem. Here’s what we know from several years of research:- Spring burndown ... OSU research. Other preemergence soybean herbicides do not generally contribute much to dandelion ... control.- In OSU research, Lumax and Lexar have provided the most effective control of dandelion in corn, ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter-

    in a plastic bag to the: Soybean Pathology Lab, OARDC, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH  44691 Phone:  ... agricultural machinery. Conduct engineering research addressing clientele needs such as field machinery ... research and outreach programs. Advise graduate and undergraduate students. Qualifications: An earned Ph.D. ...

  7. Estimating Corn Yields (URL checked Aug 2015). Corn Growth and Development Corn Harvest Corn Farm Management ...

  8. Generation of porcine transgenic cell line targeting heart-specific gene expression for xenotransplantation

    Principal Investigator: Kichoon Lee, Animal Sciences Collaborator: Rural Development Administration of the Republic of Korea     Description: The primary impact of this project will be the identification of a new set of heart specific genes in pigs and us ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-14

    inputs are optimized – Avoid high-end range N rates on corn following soybean. OSU research has shown ... of a higher percentage of seedlings emerging. Past university research indicates that optimal plant ... of straight-to-the-point answers based on years of scab research. Q1: Which fungicide is the most ...

  10. Mid-Season Soybean Diseases – What can we Predict?

    farm. 2.        Frogeye leaf spot.  We have a couple of locations that we have been monitoring in the ...
