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  1. J. Fulton CFAES Ag. Operation Meeting

    219 Thursday, January 5, 2017- 9:00am to 4:00pm ...

  2. OCVN State Program Contacts

    program is a research-based scientific training program that emphasizes hands on natural resource ...

  3. HOLD: Ag Research Priorities

    219 Monday, July 6, 2015- 12:00pm to 1:15pm ...

  4. MFC Group

    and continues to collaborate with the engineering consulting industry. Her research interests include ...

  5. Encouraging Ohioans to Implement Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

    available to help implement energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.   Another outcome was research ...

  6. Soil Drainage Research Unit Staff Meeting

    219 Tuesday, November 15, 2016- 9:00am to 12:00pm ...

  7. Guided Bird Walk, Wooster

    Guided Bird Walk, Spot birds, learn their calls, and discover their habitats in the arboretum. ...

  8. Guided Summer Walk, Wooster

    Guided Summer Walk, Walks call your attention to seasonal treasures and best practices for your landscape.  Free, guided tour.  Dress for the weather.  ...

  9. Whiz Bang! Science Show, Wooster

    Whiz Bang! Science Show, OARDC's popular Whiz-Bang Scientist encourages children to learn more about science in an enriching outdoor environment. Fun for the entire family. ...

  10. Small Grains Field Day, Wooster

    Small Grains Field Day, In addition to looking at how small grains are used as a grain crop the field day will also provide information and demonstrations about small grains as cover crops, alternative forages and how they fit into row cropping systems. ...
