
Search results

  1. Ohio State Continues Corn Nematode Field Survey

    Co-Authors also are Abasola Simon and Anne Rugh. This season, researchers from the department of ...  or 330-263-3842 or my Research Associate, Anne Rugh at  ...

  2. Soil Compaction Management at Harvest Time

    different soil types on the farm, start harvest on the better-drained soil types first. Although this is ... by using flotation tires, duals and reducing tire pressure because key research in this area was done ... by Bob Holmes and Randall Reeder at OSU. Their research also showed that tracks can do a very good ...

  3. July 30 Field Crops Day

    The Northwest Agricultural Research Station will host the Ohio State 2015 Field Crops Day on ...

  4. Backyard Food Production Program

    Bowerston at Barbara Dewey’s and John Quimby’s farm. The July 9 event will be in Jewett at Z Garden Place ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-07

    the major attributes of successful farmers is timeliness. As farm knowledge and seed and equipment ... of planting corn and soybeans, there are reasons to consider planting soybeans before corn. With farm ... size increasing, and many working off the farm, it is imperative to effectively utilize all available ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-21

    UAN (28%) shipped direct to farm storage averaged $402/ton. Urea prices are significantly higher ... not found every year, the thistle caterpillar This ... bizarre looking creature (see a picture of this insect at Although ...

  7. Field Day for Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    A field day being held on July 28, Northwest Agricultural Research Station, OARDC, 4240 Range Line ...

  8. Weather Outlook

    northern Indiana into Ohio where it is some of the driest areas.  Most of our research indicated yields ...

  9. Cover Crop Strategies Field Day on Tuesday, April 7th

    by OSU Extension Shelby, Mercer, and Auglaize Counties; and Vantilburg Farms, Celina.  There is no ...

  10. Diseases of Wheat and Barley and Their Management with Fungicides

    research (mainly on wheat) show that you are better off applying a few days “late” rather than a few days ...
