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Ag Day in Delphos, Ohio
Ohio AgrAbility will be talking with elementary school students from Delphos Schools at an Ag Day ... hosted by Harrold Hideabaugh Farm. Rain date is May 16th. 2013 ...
Universal Design on the Farm
farmstead including the garage, farm shop, equipment shed, livestock facilities, and feed lots. In the ... mobility limitations. During on-farm consultations with AgrAbility program staff, designs are incorporated ... to the specific case studies that matches the individual and the type of farm operation. Universal ...
Ferdous-e-Elahi: Enhancing Food Security in Bangladesh
of research facilities in Bangladesh, only morphological and biochemical studies have been relied on ... Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) and a 3rd year Ph.D. student of Dr. Sally Miller in the Department of ... Plant Pathology on the campus of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). ...
parents, as well as those who work for long-term care facilities. “Caregiving can be very meaningful work. ...
Replacing Grain Bin Ladders with Stairs
modifications to equipment, facilities or worksites to allow the farmer to continue farming. Another mission of ... farming, but now he has stairs on his grain bins (instead of ladders). Other modifications he has added ... 80-year-old father, who also climbs the stairs on the grain bin. This farm has fewer concerns about climbing ...
Seminar: Interdisciplinary Research as a Cross-Cultural Journey: Life as a Sociologist among Biophysical Scientists
THE WOOSTER CAMPUS DIVERSITY COMMITTEE PRESENTS: Interdisciplinary Research as a Cross-Cultural ...
AgrAbility resources- National and State projects
Projects report to the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service in Washington, ...
Office of International Affairs Releases 2019 Partnerships Report
institutions helps to enable highly impactful international academic and research activity both locally in ... through Joint-Institutional Agricultural Teaching, Research, and Outreach Development,” has enabled many ... Renukaradhya Gourapura (Food Animal Health Research Program, OARDC). Drs. Islam and Gourapura delivered ...
Caregiver resources
independence for people in agriculture who want to continue to farm after experiencing a disabling condition. ... life for individuals, families, and communities through research, education, and outreach. We value ...
2014 ISASH Conference- Omaha, Nebraska
The 2014 ISASH Conference —Cultivating Ag Safety and Health June 22-26, 2014 in Omaha, Nebraska at ... safety of agricultural producers, family members, employees, and visitors on the farm and ranch. Special ... handling; grain safety; changes in farm demographics; mental health; respiratory and hearing health; ATV and ...