
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-17

    bulletin that updates growers on the latest aphid research and information, including current thresholds, ... Midwestern states. The bulletin was written through cooperation with the North Central Soybean Research ... Program (NCSRP) which is a twelve-state coalition that invests checkoff dollars to research programs ...

  2. Is it Phytophthora stem rot? Is it flooding injury? Or is it both?

    for the fields on your farm – and the focus should be not on the Rps gene but on the partial ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-09

    proposed within a field or across the fields for an entire farming operation. I was thinking in terms of ... researchers in South Dakota and Minnesota in the 1990’s concluded that mixtures of genetically diverse hybrids ... on-farm studies to investigate differences in grain yield and quality among corn hybrids planted in pure ...

  4. Cover Crops After Corn Silage Harvest

    rates, and potential forage yields and quality, contact a member of the OSU Extension Ag Crops Team. Soil ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-10

    only if and when that insect pest occurs. Research over 20 years has shown that maggot populations only ... heavy rains may have prevented earlier applications of N. Research has shown that yield is not affected ... open burning. In regards to crop debris in farm fields, it is typically permissible for a farmer to ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-40

    hybrids. However, this year the USDA-Economic Research Service ( ... on a regular basis. Growers should choose hybrids best suited to their farm operation. Corn acreage, ... directly to the elevator as shelled grain or used on the farm? Are there premiums available at nearby ...

  7. Setting Outlet Water Level in Drainage Water Management Structures

    Scientist, USDA-ARS Soil Drainage Research Unit, Columbus,OH; and Adjunct Professor, OSU Department of Food, ... Research and Development Center, and the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Tile ...

  8. Late Fall Weed Control in Winter Wheat

    injury or yield loss in our research trials.  Consult labels and the “Weed Control Guide for Ohio and ...

  9. Twisted Wheat: Cold temperatures or herbicide damage?

    In our limited research on this, we have not observed yield loss from 2,4-D applied prior to early ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-14  Pay close attention to the pre-harvest intervals, which range from mainly 21 to 30 days, although ... 2010].   Modified Relay Intercropping Long-term research at The Ohio State University's Ohio ... Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), in Crawford County Ohio and at other locations in Indiana ...
