
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-14

    highest labeled rate of Classic will be most effective. In OSU research the past several years, the most ... others. In our research, ratings of all of these treatments may be similar at 4 weeks after treatment, but ... a fungicide for head scab because research has indicated control is very inconsistent and usually not ...

  2. Nematodes in Corn Could Be a Growing Problem for Ohio Corn Yields

    nematodes, farmers, growers and researchers are taking a closer look at the issue to see if the tiny ... loss," said Niblack, who also has appointments with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ... centimeters of soil. Even if researchers discover similar findings in Ohio cornfields, Niblack cautioned that ...

  3. Mid-Season Soybean Diseases – What can we Predict?

    farm. 2.        Frogeye leaf spot.  We have a couple of locations that we have been monitoring in the ...

  4. Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start

    season more fully. Research in Ohio and other Corn Belt states generally indicates that late plantings of ...

  5. Adjusting No-till Burndown Programs for Later Planting

    early to mid May.   In our research plots, we appear to have as good a winter annual population as we ...

  6. Market Focus Returns to Weather, Broader Economy Following USDA Reports

    fully incorporate Farm Service Agency acreage data,” Roberts said. “We should expect an acreage cut in ...

  7. Water Gardening, Rediscovering an Ancient Hobby

    June 20, 2001 WOOSTER, Ohio- Ancient Egyptians living along the Nile were lulled by the beauty and ...

  8. Estimating Corn Yields (URL checked Aug 2015). Corn Growth and Development Corn Harvest Corn Farm Management ...

  9. FDA’s Call to Lessen Use of Antibiotics in Livestock Could Increase Consumer Confidence but Could Also Hurt Producers

    2010, when farm animals in the U.S. consumed 29.1 million pounds of antibiotics, according to the latest ...

  10. WOSU's Ann Fisher to Host Leadership Workshop

    productive outcomes through research-based programs and workshops, practical resources, and self-development ...
