
Search results

  1. Sequestering Carbon in Costa Rican Agriculture to Mitigate Climate Change

    scholar from the University of Costa Rica (UCR), located in San Jose, Costa Rica. At UCR, I’m a researcher ... at the Environmental Pollution Research Center (CICA), as well as a Lecturer at the School of ... Sciences from the University of Edinburgh.    My research interests span from leaf ecophysiology (i.e. how ...

  2. Office of International Affairs Releases Report for Strengthening the University's Success in the Fulbright Scholar Program

    Office of Research and Planning to assess the Fulbright Scholar Program. On November 26th, the Office of ...

  3. Deadline: Academic Enrichment Grants Applications Due

    graduate and undergraduates whose applications focus on research projects that address global issues, ... connect discipline-specific research to programs in diverse cultural settings, explores the languages, ...

  4. GIS and Environmental Information Systems Links

    maps; investigate data layers; apps for ag, environment, biology, climate, transportation, and more) GIS ...  NOAA agency The NODC provides ocean data management and ocean data services to researchers and other ... Change Master Directory  Source of Earth science data and services through NASA (data for: ag ...

  5. Faculty and Staff Opportunities in Brazil

    available options for research, funding and partnerships. Light refreshments will be provided. To RSVP, ...

  6. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Environmental and Ag Applications Take Flight

    This program featured Gil Bohrer (OSU Dept. of Civil Engineering) and Scott Shearer (OSU Dept. of Agricultural Engineering)   ...

  7. Ag Communication Graduate Student Tapped to Represent Ohio State at 2018 Global Food Security Symposium

    country. Her doctoral research in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) ... focuses on the role of agricultural communication on sustainable agricultural development. Her research is ...

  8. Equipment for a Small Farm

    Greene Co. Farm Forum continues its series on small farms with a presentation by Kent Beam the ... Store Manager at the Wilmington JD Equipment Store. Kent will give his perspective on farm equipment ... possibilities for a small farm at the Jan. 25 meeting.  The January 25 th meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. and be ...

  9. Ohio State Peace Corps Recruiter Awarded Prestigious Lillian Carter Award

    challenge” of his life. In Botswana he was tasked with building a vocational training facility-  from the ... experienced businessman that he was, succeeded, and the facility is still in operation today educating rural ...

  10. Postponed: OSHA and AG Safety Training for Agricultural Workers

    This event is postponed for later this year. Earn an OSHA  10 hour General Industry Card- specific to agricultural operations. There is no charge for this training and will be held at OSU Extension Greene County. For more information about Benefits of thi ...
