
Search results

  1. Ohio State ACT Wins National Chapter of the Year

    presented with several national awards during the Ag Media Summit held in Indianapolis, July 26-30, 2014. ...

  2. Horticulture & Crop Science / Plant Pathology Student Recognition & Ice Cream Social

    winners, undergraduate research and other awards. Typically, we have brief presentations from Chairs. ...

  3. 4-H Fair Bird Exhibits Cancelled in Ohio to Protect Industry from Avian Flu

    million pullets and 2 million turkeys. Ohio’s egg, chicken and turkey farms provide more than 14,600 jobs. ...

  4. Ohio Pesticide Safety Education Program Offers Recertification Credits

    and business growth in Ohio, she said. “Applicators will receive the most up-to-date, research ...

  5. Four Tools to Kick-Start Your Financial Well-Being In 2018

    make plans for the new year. I have used the following four websites in my research and for my ...

  6. Summer or winter, ice wine from Ohio is hot (there’s science behind it)

    San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition. Steiner conducts research that helps Ohio winemakers ... Together, they deliver the only long-term, university-backed research program serving Ohio’s grape and wine ...

  7. Spent foundry sand’s second life: OK to use in some soils

    Dayton, research scientist, both in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, did an intensive ... analysis of SFS in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service. ...

  8. See How Holiday Generosity Provides Lasting Impact!

    your donation can benefit scholarships, research, community outreach and other programming, all of ...

  9. Can We Stop Amphibian Apocalypse? April 9 Talk at Ohio State

    Network breakfast program at The Ohio State University. Joe Mendelson, Zoo Atlanta’s research director, ...

  10. Save the Date- Homecoming 2015

    memories, in the hours before the football game. Events will take place at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm ...
