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Mindfulness in the Garden
therapy and the current interest and research proving that plants do interact beneficially with humans. ...
Local Flavor 2017
Growing Local Foods: Urban Farms and Gardens Summer Tour Series-This session will focus on fruit ...
GIS and Environmental Information Systems Links
maps; investigate data layers; apps for ag, environment, biology, climate, transportation, and more) GIS ... NOAA agency The NODC provides ocean data management and ocean data services to researchers and other ... Change Master Directory Source of Earth science data and services through NASA (data for: ag ...
Addressing Equity and Inclusion in Your Research Mentoring
This workshop is designed for mentors of undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty. During this workshop, participating faculty will learn how to acknowledge the impact of conscious and unconscious assumptions, privilege, stereotyp ...
Water Quality Celebration
Join Mahoning County Farm Bureau to learn how you can positively impact water quality, and take ...
Local Flavor 2017 June 12
Growing Local Foods: Tour Urban Farms and Community Gardens in Youngstown throughout the summer. ...
Professional Development Workshop: Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias (Wooster)
This interactive workshop will explore how identities, beliefs, and backgrounds shape our perceptions of other people in ways that can negatively impact the people with whom we interact and unconsciously widen the diversity gap. Participants will learn ho ...
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Environmental and Ag Applications Take Flight
This program featured Gil Bohrer (OSU Dept. of Civil Engineering) and Scott Shearer (OSU Dept. of Agricultural Engineering) ...
Wooster Campus Celebration of Nations
Wooster campus students, staff, and faculty from more than 30 countries display handicrafts, ...
Equipment for a Small Farm
Greene Co. Farm Forum continues its series on small farms with a presentation by Kent Beam the ... Store Manager at the Wilmington JD Equipment Store. Kent will give his perspective on farm equipment ... possibilities for a small farm at the Jan. 25 meeting. The January 25 th meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. and be ...