
Search results

  1. Early Season Soybean Damage- Frost, PPO, or Disease?

    restriction does not completely prevent injury, since we have observed it in our research plots from ...

  2. Transgenic Corn Production Slowly Increasing in Ohio

    said Thomison, who holds a partial research appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...

  3. Strip Tillage an Option for No-Till Farmers with Continuous Corn

    of the state's cornfields are in no-till, and that includes strip tillage. According to research ... research to compare multiple production systems. "The bottom line is if farmers feel they need to till ...

  4. Take Steps to Protect Livestock from Heat Stress

    a partial research appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "They often ...

  5. Ohio Drought Impacting Potential Corn Yields

    some corn is basically gone," said Thomison, who also holds a partial research appointment with ... the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "That's a scary thing when someone ...

  6. Tips to Get Corn Off to a Good Start

    per acre per day of delayed planting after mid-May," said Thomison, who also holds a research ... appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "The record yields of recent ...

  7. Renovating Pastures? Try Frost Seeding

    typically persisting in a stand for only a couple of years. Research is under way to find varieties with ... not generally work as well as legumes, research has shown that perennial and annual ryegrasses and ...

  8. Tree Liners Give Purpose to Retractable Roof Greenhouses

    Ohio State University research has shown that tree liners grown in retractable roof greenhouses produce ... the plants are not going through those extremes." The research, funded by an Ohio Department of ... producing field-grown whips then shipping them to the Midwest and East for spring planting. Research has ...

  9. Why it doesn’t really matter whether Acuron is 2.637% better than Lexar on giant ragweed

    among all of the authors.  There was just enough research experience among all of us to conclude that ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-03

    farming practices to lessen the impact of these diseases. Using crop rotations that allow one or even two ... help reduce fungal pathogen populations. However with so much reduced tillage being practiced on farms ... their farms. Hybrid selection criteria for specific diseases: Northern corn leaf blight: Ask for the ...
