
Search results

  1. How Do You Make A Healthier Cream Cheese That Doesn't Suck?

    Maleky’s research was recently featured in an article in Popular Science about making a healthier cream ...

  2. Tour the Solar House

    State students and/or take a walk around the 3-acre research lake in Chadwick Arboretum North. The ...

  3. Overholt Drainage School-Session 1

    Impacts and Considerations Installation Basics, Methods, Research Proper Installation and Common Mistakes ... Drainage Education and Research Program, Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, OSU Extension, ...

  4. SENR Students Take Advantage of Opportunities to Gain Real World Experience

    in Environmental Science, and advised by Dr. Nick Basta Field Research with OSU’s Soil Environmental ... gained invaluable in-depth research and field experience that will inevitably serve me well in my ... graduate school studies.”  Prior to conducting field research this summer, Chris volunteered in the Soil ...

  5. Hardin Corn Rootworm Twilight Tour

    Rohrs Farms, 810 Courtright Street in McGuffey, Ohio will be the location of this evening event.  Dr. ...

  6. TWEL Gabriel Colorado Dissertation

    secondary forests. Overall, this research showed that (a) Neotropical migrants and mixed-species flocks were ... 8 species of Neotropical-Nearctic migrants in shade coffee farms in the Colombian Andes in October-April ... well as suitability of Andean forests for overwintering migratory birds. Fortunately, my research ...

  7. Addressing the Challenges and Opportunities of a Rapidly Changing Arctic: Role of the Arctic Council

    The Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center will host a discussion on Addressing the Challenges and ...

  8. $3+ Million NIH Grant Funds Earth Scientist's Work on Medical Implants

    cross-disciplinary research on the potentially deadly blood infection caused by bacterial cells that attach to ... sometimes ask, though, is “How does an Earth scientist get involved with research that seems to be medical ... researcher, Vance Fowler, at Duke University Medical School; biochemist Magnus Hook at Texas A&M Medical ...

  9. Late-Season Scouting for Palmer Amaranth

    fields now will go a long way toward maintaining the profitability of farm operations. There is ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-08

    unprecedented, but was locally promoted. An on-farm research plot was established in Defiance County to evaluate ... wheat growers for 2010. For the complete on-farm research report, please visit: ... Alfalfa Weevil Update Heat units have continued to accumulate in Ohio, and based on the numbers, ...
