
Search results

  1. Hops Production Field Night- Wooster

    Hops Production Field Night Flyer ...

  2. Highly Toxic Poison Hemlock a Threat in Newly Urbanized Areas

    plants to poison hemlock. "Poison hemlock is not considered a big deal within the farming community ...

  3. Forum to Focus on Emerging Bio-Based Technologies

    Freedonia, a leading international business research company, demand for degradable plastic in the United ...

  4. Cover Crop Options Increase for Growers

    growing," said Sundermeier. Researchers conducted test trials for three years, planting at the end of July ...

  5. Teen Driver Safety Education Program

    research indicates that much can be derived from using volunteer work for educational purposes. Youth that ...

  6. Harvesting Your Own Garden Seeds

    seeds that are tiny are quick to dry and may be ready to save right off the stem.  A little research ...

  7. Ohio State Plant Trials Bring Out the Best in Annuals

    those cutting-edge annuals with the community." Since 1998, researchers have tested over 1,500 ...

  8. 2008 Ohio Wheat Crop Anticipated to Top One Million Acres

    Agricultural Research and Development Center appointment. "It should produce adequate tillers before ...

  9. OBIC Pursuing Soy-Based Technologies

    Ohio." Kirsten Dangaran, an OBIC research scientist, said the first step in the project is the creation ...

  10. Prospective Plantings Not a Surprise. It's Weather that Could Shape Grower Decisions

    the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "We also knew we would see an increase in ...
