
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-30

    farm in Ohio has a field or two that could benefit from planting wheat, if for no other reason than to ... lowered yield by 7 to 20% in research trials due to diseases and insect problems. 3) Optimum seeding rates ... fine-tuned by you to fit your farming operation and soils. You can review more details on these, and other, ...

  2. Soybean Planting Date, Seeding Rate, and Row Width

    date trial at the Western Agricultural Research Station near South Charleston, Ohio.  In both years, ... lower. Our trial located at the Western Agricultural Research Station in Clark County was planted the end ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-03

    is no competition with other farm activities. However, research has shown that this may be a costly ... elongation. Research has shown that significant yield losses generally do not occur from delayed topdress ... available as a series of pdf files at our Agronomic Crops Insects web site, ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-41

    Guidelines have been written based on research done with wheat and barley and are available at the United ... the grain stored on your farm, contact your crop insurance agent immediately and initiate a grain ... at The report is a summary of performance data collected from ...

  5. Bt Options for Corn Insect Control and “Know Before you Grow”  Of note this year is a new product from Syngenta called Duracade ™,  which is targeted mainly for ...

  6. Software for Developing Nutrient Management Plans Workshop

    training will use a sample farm to demonstrate the utilization of these two programs to generate a plan ... fields and farms then downloading spatial data such as soil types which provide base information needed ...

  7. Research


  8. OARDC Agronomy In-service: March 5 and 6, 2015

    Ohio State University in Wooster. Mark your calendars. This in-service, which is offered every other ...

  9. Cover Crop Field Day

    Council’s selection tool can be used to assist in deciding which covers are best for individual farms ... a local farm where different varieties of cover crops are growing. We will explore the soil structure and ...

  10. Researcher Studying Agriculture Fairs and Flu Among Pigs

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — A researcher at The Ohio State University is conducting a multi-state study ... safe from flu. This summer Bowman’s research is especially relevant as the Ohio Department of ... world with most people not having immunity, it came from animals. One focus of Bowman’s research, he ...
