
Search results

  1. StrengthsFinder

    Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center, have created a revolutionary program ...

  2. TechColumbus and Ohio State announce Technology Concept Fund

    alternative energy, information technology and life sciences. “The researchers at Ohio State are discovering ...

  3. Fisher Auditorium

    classroom, and OARDC research library. The Auditorium has 976 seats (+12 wheelchair accessible spaces), each ...

  4. Local Foods Farm Tour: Nightcrawler Gardens

    Join us for the second stop on the 2018 "Local Foods" tour series when we visit NightCrawler Gardens on May 22. Our hosts Sheri and Jason England will take us on a tour through their four greenhouses full of vegetable plants, flowering annuals a ...

  5. About Us

    leadership-centered education and research to individuals, families, organizations and communities. We provide ... “research-based resources and high quality practical programs to build and strengthen leadership capacities that ...

  6. Grandma Right About an Apple a Day

    researcher Robert DiSilvestro, a professor of human nutrition and scientist with the university's Ohio ... Agricultural Research and Development Center.   ...

  7. 2016 Ohio Grape and Wine Conference

    John Thull, University of Minnesota Horticultural Research Center. Monday morning will begin with ...

  8. Applying Your Strengths @ Work (Online)

    organization. The Gallup organization has found through its research that: People who know their talents and use ...

  9. Graduate student conducts research on rabies transmission in Ethiopa as a part of One Health

    in a research mission to Ethiopia this past summer as a part of the  One Health Initiative. Laura and ... happy. Gondar was where we spent most of our time. This is a rural town in the highlands where farming ... containers. Most significant to our research project was the fact that dogs were everywhere! The dog, or ...

  10. Powdery Mildew

     Sulfur is inexpensive and can be purchased at a local farm or garden specialty crop stores. Alternative ...
