
Search results

  1. Ohio Climbing Up in Wine Production

    University. Assisting the state’s winemakers and grape growers are Steiner and other researchers in the ...

  2. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the Midwest for the Second Year in a Row

    found on a commercial turkey farm located in Dubois, Indiana. The case was confirmed on January 14th and ... reported. Once the virus was in poultry-dense areas of Minnesota, farm to farm transmission played the major ...

  3. Can We Stop Amphibian Apocalypse? April 9 Talk at Ohio State

    Network breakfast program at The Ohio State University. Joe Mendelson, Zoo Atlanta’s research director, ...

  4. Ohio Pesticide Safety Education Program Offers Recertification Credits

    and business growth in Ohio, she said. “Applicators will receive the most up-to-date, research ...

  5. Ohio Agricultural Law Blog--The Ag Law Harvest

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  6. Four Tools to Kick-Start Your Financial Well-Being In 2018

    make plans for the new year. I have used the following four websites in my research and for my ...

  7. Environmental Film Series Starts Oct. 20

    associate professor with Ohio State’s Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. Nov. 3, “ Plains ” and ...

  8. Scout, Avoid Southern Cottonseed Manure to Stop Palmer Amaranth in Ohio

    occurred in 2015 in northeastern Ohio,” Loux said. “Palmer can also be spread by farm equipment previously ...

  9. Zoning Law

    Section 303.21 Small wind farm zoning regulations, Section 303.213 Surface mining conditional use ... purposes of zoning, Section 519.02 Limitations on prohibiting agriculture, Section 519.21 Small wind farm ... township cannot prohibit the shelter under its zoning authority. Tillman v. Watson- Farm market owner could ...

  10. Winter Weather and Livestock Nutrition

    requirements could increase 7 to 30% over dry conditions.  In addition, there is research that suggests that ...
