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  1. Tips to improve study time for our teens

    opportunity to learn.  Researchers have found that how teens approach something matters almost as much as what ...

  2. Graduate Exit Seminar

    affect body condition, reproductive success declined with increasing mercury loads. My research suggests ...

  3. Grain Marketing- Turning On-Farm Storage into a Profit

    Limited to the first 100 registrations.  Registration deadline is March 5, 2016. Lunch will be provided. Flyer ...

  4. TWEL Andrew Vitz Dissertation

    explicitly studied. My dissertation research used both observational and experimental approaches to rate the ...

  5. SENR Internship Stories

    child research and focus on whatever animal they wanted. One of my favorite experiences this summer was ...

  6. Hops Production Field Night- Wooster

    Hops Production Field Night Flyer ...

  7. Teen Driver Safety Education Program

    research indicates that much can be derived from using volunteer work for educational purposes. Youth that ...

  8. Harvesting Your Own Garden Seeds

    seeds that are tiny are quick to dry and may be ready to save right off the stem.  A little research ...

  9. Urban Coyote Research Featured on NBC's TODAY Show and Nightly News

    Watch new videos featuring research conducted by SENR Associate Professor and Wildlife Ecologist  Stan Gehrt,   who leads the Cook County Coyote Research Project. The videos show footage captured by National Geographic Crittercams and an interview with ...

  10. Dick_R Tracking C Flow through Microbial Communities

    research will study a largely unrecognized mechanism – namely fungal transport of C and N from the NT ... mineral soil and also uptake of N by plant.   The most important issues to be dealt with in this research ...
