
Search results

  1. Farmers and 4-H Breakfast

    The Miami County Farm Bureau Presents- the “Farmers and 4-H Breakfast” fundraiser.  The menu ...

  2. "I'm not as YOUNG as I used to be" Workshop- Noble Co.

    AgrAbility will be conducting “I’m not as young as I used to be!” farming and gardening workshops throughout ... assistive technology used for farms and gardening, and tricks of the trade for aging limitations. For more ...

  3. CFAES launches new Gender Initiative project

    a video connection to Fisher Auditorium on the Wooster campus as well. Christine Daugherty, vice president ...

  4. "I'm not as YOUNG as I used to be" Workshop- Hancock Co

    AgrAbility will be conducting “I’m not as young as I used to be!” farming and gardening workshops throughout ... assistive technology used for farms and gardening, and tricks of the trade for aging limitations. For more ...

  5. "I'm not as YOUNG as I used to be" Workshop- Stark Co. Area

    “I’m not as YOUNG as I used to be!” Farming and Gardening Workshop   Date: November 14th Location: ... Program Stark County Farm Bureau Stark County Area Agency on Aging ...

  6. StrengthsFinder

    Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center, have created a revolutionary program ...

  7. Cover Crop Soil Health Workshop

    include ECO Farming, Ecological Farming Practices, Soil Ecology & Nutrient Recycling, Biology of Soil ...

  8. Poster Infomation

      Poster Template 2015 All FCS Conference Poster Submissions Latino Outreach Poster Breakfast on the Farm ...

  9. "I'm not as YOUNG as I used to be" Workshop- Shelby & Auglaize Co

    AgrAbility will be conducting “I’m not as young as I used to be!” farming and gardening workshops throughout ... assistive technology used for farms and gardening, and tricks of the trade for aging limitations. For more ...

  10. Best Boss Ever

    self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”- Theodore Roosevelt Research indicates ...
