
Search results

  1. Producers Facing Hay Shortage, But Forage Options Aplenty

    about half the energy value as corn grain. Ohio State University research has found that a 1,300 pound ...

  2. Soybean Planting, Like Corn, is Behind Schedule

    Beuerlein, who also holds an appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. ...

  3. 'Just What I Needed': Extension Nurtures Entrepreneurs in University District

    a neighborhood adjacent to a world-class research and teaching institution. On the east side of the university is ...

  4. Ohio State Team Takes 'Buzz Lightyear' Snack Idea to Anaheim

    also presenting scientific poster sessions at the conference based on their research at Ohio State.-30- ...

  5. 'Operation: Military Kids' Brings Kids, Parents to Campus

    Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, where they attended a STRONG Family Workshop conducted by the ...

  6. Economist Promotes New Economic Development Model

    research, human resource investments and health clinics. • Attention to the environment for sustainable ...

  7. OSU Extension Researcher Offers Strategies for Spring Marestail Management

    February 23, 2012 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio crop growers are likely to find glyphosate-resistant marestail to be more abundant and harder to control this year thanks to the very wet fall and unseasonably warm weather we’ve had this winter, an Ohio State Unive ...

  8. Pre-Emergent Herbicides Effective for Weed Control

    reducing the number of applications to save time and costs," said Stachler, who also holds a research ... appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "However, it's getting to ...

  9. Chow Line: Watch the toppings for a healthy salad (for 9/11/11)

    a service of Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send ...

  10. Nursery Production Technique Becoming a Growing Trend

    conventional field culture. Research has shown that soil removal due to 'mining' has enormous ...
